UCLA Faculty Women's Club (FWC)

Book Section A Performs Lysistrata at Joint Meeting with Book Section B

by Diane P.

Following their annual tradition, Book Sections A and B met jointly at the Faculty Center in May.  It was Section A's turn to provide the program. Their choice, a timely one, was to perform a dramatized reading of Lysistrata, Aristophanes' comedy depicting the end of war by means of women withholding sex from their men.  A little-known second plot saw the elderly women storm the Acropolis and capture the treasury to withhold war expenditures as well!

The play was performed with gusto in comedic costumes (mops for wigs?!) and music. Book Section B provided the refreshments. The joint meeting was open to all members of FWC and was performed at the UCLA Faculty Center. Below are some scenes from the play.


A Comedy by Aristophanes
Translation by Douglass Parker
Adapted by Diane P.
Spartan Herald                  
Flute Player             
Women's chorus                 
Men's chorus              
Wardrobe Mistress        
                         Diane P.
                    Marjorie F.
                       Assimo A.
                     Margaret L.
                            Jean T.
                          Maria R.
                   Ann D.
                       Simone K.
                   Jean T.
             CD by Cathy L.
                  Ann F.
              Mary Alice R.
                               Maria R.
           Assimo A.

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The play begins:  Lysistrata, played by Marjorie F. (far right), greets two new recruits to the plot.
Seated are Ann D. and Mary Alice. Standing are Assimo, Jean T.,  Maria R., Ann F.  (almost invisible), Margaret L. and Marjorie F.


The Spartans arrive and join in.
Jean T., Maria R. and Ann F.



Explaining the plan to the chief Spartan woman.
Assimo, Ann D. (seated rear), and Jean T.

Lysistrata (Marjorie F., far right) has trouble getting participation, but maybe it will work?
Assimo, Maria R., Ann F., Margaret L., and Marjorie F.

Well, Okay, we'll try, but....
Maria R. and Ann F.


Taking the pledge on the wine bowl.
(Standing) Diane P., Jean T., Maria R., Ann F., and Margaret L.

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