UCLA Faculty Women's Club (FWC)



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The (one-woman) Women's Chorus speaks out -- the older women will take the Acropolis and the war chest stashed there!  Great plan! 
Margaret L. and.Ann F.


The commissioner (Ann D.) tries to get the women out of the Acropolis.


The nitty-gritty: It's hard to withhold affection when he's so cute!
Margaret L. and Simone.

"Peace" herself (played by Maria R.) is subject to negotiation between Athenian and Spartan diplomats.

The negotiations hinge on dividing territory:   Hm-m, we'll take this part. 
Simone, Jean T., and Maria R.


Lysistrata did it!  No More War!
Jean T., Simone, Ann F., Ann D., Assimo, and Marjorie F.


Finale: Hail to Peace!
Jean T., Simone, Ann F., Ann D., and Asimo.



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