UCLA Faculty Women's Club (FWC)


    The FWC annually awards scholarships, including need-based and merit-based undergraduate grants, and several merit-based awards to graduate students. FWC scholarships have grown from a single award of $25.00 in the 1920s to up to $1,000-$2,500 in 2005-2006. Contributions from members and friends are deposited in the UCLA Foundation; the interest is used for the scholarship awards.    
    To make a donation, download the Scholarship Fund Donation Form  and mail with your contribution to FWC, P.O. Box 49363, Los Angeles, CA 90049-0363. If you have any questions, please e-mail FWC at uclafwc@ucla.edu with Scholarships as the subject.

FWC appreciates and thanks you for your support.

All contributions are tax deductible to the extent of the law.

FWC Scholarships Awarded 2005-2006

The UCLA Faculty Women's Club was proud to honor and award scholarships to eight exceptional UCLA students.

♦  The Gertrude T. Huberty Warren Memorial Scholarship

     This scholarship was established in memory of Dr. Gertrude Huberty Warren, FWC President, 1949-1950.  During her presidency, FWC created the first UCLA Employee Directory that was later adopted by UCLA.  Gertrude was one of the founders of the UCLA Student Health Department where she served for more than 28 years as the Assistant Director and Professor of Clinical Medicine at the UCLA School of Medicine.  The scholarship honors students studying to enter the medical field as researchers or physicians.

     This scholarship was awarded for the first time this year to an entering freshman majoring in microbiology, immunology, and molecular genetics.

Graduate Scholarships

The George and Sári Halász Memorial Scholarship

     This scholarship was given in memory of Sári Halász, FWC President 1998-1999.  Her presidency was notable for establishing the first FWC Website.  Sári remembered the FWC Scholarship Fund in her will and specified that a scholarship be awarded to a student majoring in the humanities

♦  Direct descendents of full-time UCLA academic employees or members of FWC

Three merit-based scholarships were awarded this year

Undergraduate Scholarships

Four undergraduate FWC Scholarships based on merit and need were
awarded to entering freshmen and community college transfers.

We congratulate all of the recipients of the FWC Scholarships and wish them well  in their educational pursuits at UCLA. 

Many thanks to FWC members and friends who contribute so generously to help make these awards possible.



 2001-2002          2002-2003          2003-2004      2004-2005