This is the Archive site of the UCLA Faculty Women's Club.
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One of the first support groups at UCLA, the Faculty Women’s Club (FWC) welcomes faculty and professional staff and their spouses to membership. Our goal is to create a friendly and enriching environment at our large university. Our members come from all corners of the vast UCLA campus to share common interests and engage in stimulating educational and social events. Our activities include six General Meetings per academic year featuring lectures and discussions on topical issues. We have more than twenty dynamic special interest groups that keep our members engaged in sports, table games, languages, literature, and entertainment. We also have a thriving Scholarship Program that provides over $20,000 a year in support to some of our outstanding UCLA students.
UCLA Faculty Women's Club P. O. Box 49363 Los Angeles, CA. 90049 UCLA FWC Blog UCLA Faculty Center homepage UCLAlumni Assn UCLA homepage UCLA Emeriti/Retiree Relations Center