Los Angeles City Hall Proclamation
Sixteen members of the Faculty Women’s Club (many of whom are past
presidents of the club) visited Los Angeles City Hall in April 2015 for a
special ceremony in council chambers. Los Angeles Councilmember—and UCLA
alumnus—Paul Koretz presented Rochelle Caballero (then president) and Carol
Betti (then president-elect) with a Proclamation from the City of Los
Angeles in recognition of FWC’s 96th anniversary.
Bette Billet, FWC president 2013-14, and Katherine
Hennigan, economic development director for Councilmember Koretz, organized
the event to honor FWC’s longevity and the continued dedicated efforts of
its members to promote good fellowship in the UCLA community and beyond.
The proclamation is to be displayed prominently at the
Faculty Center.

row, L-R: Mary Ann Sherritt, Sylvia Abrams, Marjorie
Friedlander, Debby Wagger, Rochelle Caballero, Councilmember
Paul Koretz, Carol Betti, Glorya Dixon, Barbara Lippe, and Bette
Back row, L-R: Ida Friedlander, Elaine Wise, Jo Knopoff,
Shirley Ho, Helen Nefkens, Patti Nagy, and Sandy Spolsky. Photo
by Katherine Hennigan. |
To The Present |
Political Action |
The Faculty Women’s Club (FWC) originated as a political
action group. In 1918 there were moves afoot to create a four-year college
in Southern California. Focusing on women's groups in the State, women of
the faculty of the Los Angeles Normal School formed a Faculty Women's Club
in order to help gather support for the proposed four-year college. In 1919
the Normal School became the Southern Branch of the University of California.
Once the political objective was achieved, the FWC met to consider the club's
future. By the spring of 1920 the first constitution and purpose of the FWC
of the Southern Branch of the University of California had been drafted. |
Although the first declared purposes did not include
specific mention of scholarships, yet the treasurer's report for 1920-1921
includes the entry: $30.00 for Student Loan Fund. This fund — the first of
its kind at UCLA— was the modest beginning for the club's present scholarship
program. The club has continued, without interruption, endeavoring to fulfill
the founders' hope that it would "create a broader view and deeper interest
in the civic, political and social life in our community." |
Purpose |
To promote good fellowship for UCLA women faculty and
faculty wives as well as women staff and wives of staff who are directly connected
with the academic aspects of the University. To promote educational and social
activities. To provide educational scholarships for UCLA students. |
Organization |
Annually a new President and five officers are elected
at the spring business meeting and take office by July 1. Additional board
members, between fifteen and twenty, are appointed by the President. |
Activities |
Six General Meetings with guest speakers are scheduled
at the UCLA Faculty Center. Three of the meetings take place in the afternoon
and three in the evening. The February evening meeting is a dinner at which
the FWC scholarship winners are honored. A Newcomers event is scheduled
at the beginning of each year to welcome new faculty to the campus. |
The Club sponsors more than twenty special
interest sections which meet weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Groups for
activities and discussion include Birthday Club, Books, Bridge, Foreign
Language Conversation (French, German, and Spanish), Playreading, and
Travel. Galleries and Sights visits museums, libraries, gardens and
historical sights in Los Angeles and its vicinity. Interesting restaurants
are visited monthly by the Let's Do Lunch members. Skills can be acquired and
enhanced in Art of Living, Garden Tours, Genealogy, and International
Cooking. For the athletically inclined there are Bicycling, Tai Chi,
Tennis, and Walking and Hiking. The FWC welcomes the addition of new
sections at any time to accommodate members' interests. |
FWC publications
are generally designed and produced by members of the Computer section and
include the following:
• FWC UPDATE, our organization’s newsletter published five times
• Survival Guide for New UCLA Faculty, which is updated periodically
• Various flyers
• First Edition, a collection of members’
writings published by the Writers section